Jeffrey Michael Eaton (b.1984) is an artist who lives and works in Kansas City, MO, USA






Look for deer




look for deer

I think I hear them


skipper waves

skipping waves

rock skips

acorns driving into barefeet
huge mushroom glance
brittle crawfish claw

squirlly driftwood
squirrel unknowing
little shit


wind whistling my beer bottle
what note?

this is a persimmon












air purifier whir

ear ring

shower head drip

slack ding-a-ding-ding














and when you're ready

just gently open the eyes










Untitled (invitation poems for then & now)
2009 - Ongoing
Text appropriated from photography technique books

Kodak, II, TM-11-2352, III, and General Electric, I were published in ON Journal, Issue 3, Ed. Gabrielle Welsh.

Morgan & Morgan, London & Upton, and Ansel Adams were published in The Burning Sand, Oct. 2016 issue, Ed. Sarah Lowndes.










Morgan & Morgan




the first sense of texture


textured shadows


average dark foliage, dark stone,

shadows in portraits in sunlight


the pivotal zone for both paper and

film. middle gray; 18% neutral

test card. dark or sunburned skin in

sunlight; average weathered wood

or stone; light foliage


caucasian skin in sunlight. snow in

shadow, rocks in sunlight


light skin entirely in diffuse light.

average snow in sun; “whites” with

textures and delicate values


glaring surfaces; whites without










Blahnik & Voelker




night sky

night sky

full moon

clear sky

after sunset

cloudy sky

at sunset

gray sky

at noon

cloudy sky

at noon

clear sky

at noon

sun disc










Kodak, II




for average subjects

in average rooms

with light-colored walls and ceilings

for dark subjects

in dark-colored surroundings
or outdoors at night









TM-11-2352, III




clear bright
hazy overcast
cloudy bright
cloudy dull
for snow or beach scenes
for distant or aerial scenes
for extreme close-ups
for shadow detail
in shaded areas
for back lighting
for early morning or late afternoon









London & Upton




stage scene,

sports arena,

circus event


brightly lighted downtown

street at night

lighted store window


city skyline at night


skyline just after sunset


candlelit scene


campfire scene

burning building at night


fireworks against dark sky


television or computer monitor image









Jacobson & Mannheim




pale blue

very soft

very pale blue


pale yellow


very pale yellow


medium yellow









Ansel Adams




open snow and glacier scenes


seascapes and distant views


sporting scenes in snow


landscape without foreground



landscapes with light foreground

wide streets and squares

buildings, light


landscapes with dark foreground

figures in the open (edge of a wood)

buildings and rocks, dark


persons in shade of trees


persons near window, in direct sunlight

narrow streets, light woodlands


persons in light room, near a window

light sunny interiors


persons in light room, far from a window

light, but shaded interiors


persons in dim room, near a window

fairly light rooms


dark interiors









Lee, I




neutral density set

sky set

autumn tint set

sunrise set

landscape set

sky blue set

coral set

sunset set

twilight set

colour grad set

pale tint set

pop set

mist set

selective star set

net set









General Electric, I

sign white
plant light
lite white
cool white
natural white
warm white









Untitled (Moonrise), Spring 2016 issue, Wow Huh

Untitled (Henry Moore), February 2015, Temporary Art Review

Robert Morris, Bull Wall, 8 1/2x11, Issue 2, 2014, Plug Projects, Kansas City, MO

L.I.E. Lists of Ten Books, 2011, Library of Independent Exchange, Plymouth, UK

Eventually, All At Once, 2010, M.A. Thesis, Purchase College, S.U.N.Y., Purchase, NY

On Finding, 2009, M.F.A. Thesis, Purchase College, S.U.N.Y., Purchase, NY






Untitled (index for Spring), 2018, Xerox zine and sticker, ed. 50, self-published (PDF)

Untitled (Index for Spring), 2016, Xerox zine, ed. 50, self-published

Untitled (Index for Spring), 2015, Xerox zine, gelatin-silver prints, ed. 50, self-published

Untitled, 2013, Xerox zine, ed. 35, self-published

Bibliography, 2011, Xerox zine, ed. 50, self-published